About Us

Madan Mohan Singh

Chief Commissioner

The Kolkata Customs Zone is headed by Chief Commissioner of Customs. There are four Commissionerates, namely, Commissionerate of Customs (Port), Commissionerate of Customs (Airport & ACC), Commissionerate of Customs (Preventive), West Bengal and Commissionerate of Customs (Appeals) each having it's own jurisdiction headed by a Commissioner.

The subordinate cadres consist of the Appraising wing which is chiefly entrusted with the assessment and collection of revenue and the Preventive wing, which is engaged in anti-smuggling activities. The Ministerial staff help in administration and and accounts related matters.

Commissionerate of Customs (Port) and Commissionerate of Customs (Airport & ACC) have units named Special Investigation Branch (SIB) which is engaged in countering commercial frauds.  Commissionerate of Customs (Preventive) has anti-smuggling wings like Dock Intelligence Unit (DIU), SRI and P&I  and also tasked with operating Land Customs Stations and responsible for Customs border controls.

Shivaji Hanumant Dange

Pr. Commissioner Airport

Karamvir Singh

Commissioner Appeals

Atul Saxena

Pr. Commissioner Port

Vinayak Azaad

Pr. Commissioner Preventive

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Commissionerate of Customs (Port)

Commissionerate of Customs (Airport)

Commissionerate of Customs (Preventive), West Bengal

Commissionerate of Customs (Appeals)

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